Visit by Swami Pratyagbodhanandaji

On Friday, March 13th, Shri Surya Narayan Mandir was blessed to receive Swami Pratyagbodhanandaji from the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam. Swamiji delivered a series of two lectures over a two-day span.

On the 13th, Swamiji had to cater his talk toward a younger crowd, as the majority of the crowd were Surya Veer Sang students. He began his talk by saying, “you are only as good as you think you are,” and students were asked to ruminate on this idea for the weekend. He supported his pravachan with examples that were simple to understand.

Swamiji delved a bit into Vedanta on Saturday, March 14th, with a talk focused more on perception of raaga and dwesha (like and dislike), supported with humourous stories and anecdotes. This memorable series clearly stuck with the audience, as there was an enthusiastic call for Swamiji to come back next year.