A glimpse of some of the activities that the youths can participate in duirng youth camp. |
Prayer to Surya Bhagawan |
This Video was created for the children of Surya Veer Sang classes so that they can learn to Chant the verses correctly. Guruji,Pandit Ram, is fluent in sanskrit which enables him to chant the words of our shastras correctly. |
Why should we do havan at home? Guruji, Pandit Ram Hardowar, explaining to the children of Youth Camp, the importance of performing havan at home.
Youth Camp Orientation at Shri Surya Narayan Mandir Youth Camp at Shri Surya Narayan Mandir is a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn more about his religion and culture in a fun and friendly environment. This video highlights some of the activities at Camp and some of the reasons why someone should attend |
Significance of Bowing/Touching Our Parents Feet Why do we bow to our elders and parents feet? |
Knowledge is the answer to all your issues To resolve all issues/problems/situations you need Knowledge. This is beautifully explained by our Guruji, Pt. Ram Hardowar. |
Pandit Ram Hardowar discussing Vasant Panchami and its Significance. |
Pandit Ram Hardowar discussing Makar Sankranti and its Significance. |
Hindu Greetings – Significance of Namaste, Sita Ram, Ram Ram
Pandit Ram explaining the 16 steps of Puja for the benefit of the students of Surya Veer Sang and devotees of Surya Mandir. |
How to be Happy by Pandit Ram HardowarPandit Ram Hardowar giving a detail talk to devotees on what their mindset should be in order to be happy. |
How to Improve YourselfPandit Ram Hardowar Spiritual Acharya of Shri Surya Narayan Mandir discussing how we can improve our selves by getting rid of Madhu(likes) and Kaitabhya (dislikes) during Navaratri October, 2010. |
Matri Devo Bhava (Mother is God) Pandit Ram Hardowar Spiritual Acharya of Shri Surya Narayan Mandir discussing who our mothers really are and how we should treat them during Navaratri 2010. |
Pitri PakshaPandit Ram explaining the significance of Pitri Paksha and what we should do during this period of time. |
Lord Shiva AbhishekamAbhishekam services is held at Shri Surya Narayan Mandir every Monday @6:30 PM. Pt. Ram Hardowar the Spiritual Arharya of SSNM conducts the services. All are welcome to join us. |
Shanta KaramPandit Ram Hardowar explaining the meaning of the prayer Shanta Karam |